Knot Yourself
Sort Yourself!
I love to declare myself as a Geminian. I am full of contradictions…just when Someone feels I am happiest I begin to get bored…just when someone comments on one of my many interests and I would give a dazed expression as to what were they talking about...with an inquiring question mark for I would have mentally relegated it to a fond corner of my life and started contemplating a certain thing that has been capturing my imagination…
Life has been one long Interesting soap for me. If anyone chronicles all that I have been through it would be a rich fodder for the longest winding tele-series for sure and viewers would have so many twists and turns. I have however managed to solve this adventure-filled life with lots of help suddenly coming up from corners not expected…And believe me being a Geminian and that to a woman I do tend to tie myself into pretzels so often that I need to devise a way out of this Maze that I created and well the only person who can get me out is “ME”…
Now many would start shaking their heads and say...Yes, that is me…I too go through that…I too run around in circles and yet many a times do not know how to break the circle of confusion that seems to make one feel stuck and stagnant…for again that one thing that I abhor is to feel I AM STUCK and no more growing…for growing changing and adding to your persona keeps you alive…and well broadens your perspective to this thing called life…
All I will do is share what I feel when I am all knotted up and how do I try and get out of it. You may identify with some or all of it…you may use a part or all of it…you may read, feel amused and get on with your life. The Idea is not to get preachy or sermonise…for we all have heard all about “being positive and being optimistic and stuff” and failed miserably when it comes to applying all the wisdom that seems to pour forth from the quotes that overflow in my Facebook and Instagram status of friends and foes…;) of course though we hate some we still keep them on our Facebook profile…why??? Sometimes to burn them with our breath-taking pictures and sometimes to keep an eye on what they are doing…Ha ha far I hope I have established myself as a human…By far I have convinced you of my humanness or inhumanness a bit…but cope we must with knots of life and sort it all out…until of course I knot again and then I sort again…How do I do it??? I tell myself that I am a human and am allowed all the weaknesses that exist in the universe. I compare myself to a house...we clean it when it is cluttered and promise that we will keep it clean and then...well it goes back to being dusty a little and cluttered a little until again I gear up to clean up...Accepting that we shall from time tot time get muddled is the key to unravelling and enjoying and learning from each process our reward..
Getting there…as part of living and surviving I often find myself getting into a maze and I have been fortunate to have many resources that I have collected from various experiences…so to sort out I resort to…psychological techniques…spiritual dope…lotsa common sense and well, being my own stern parent…and maybe you could use it too and I do a lot of visualisation and vibrational spring cleaning…so when stuck in a no go situation…
1) Begin a Dialogue with yourself as a gentle friend and be a little kind to begin with. Help yourself identify within yourself that you indeed are going nowhere. Now that should begin matters to surface to awareness as to what needs dealing with and why? You need to tell yourself why this merry go round is not beneficial to you and where is it stopping you from growing better in your own eyes.
You definitely do not want to look down upon you…now do you?? If it is a person you are pursuing and is being elusive…do you want to absolutely for your survival need this person? Be relentless and ask yourself some basic truths about what creates this whacky turn the tail and catch it symptom/..if it is a situation that seems to go nowhere like…a job not forthcoming despite umpteen number of interviews…ask why ? The answer will be very interesting!!! Of course, you need tonnes of courage to hear the clear ringing inner voice…
2) Then go to the spiritual part and find out what lessons you have to learn here…change of perspective…a new leaf in knowing human nature…recognising an opportunity to test your own powers to turn around an adverse turn and emerge stronger so that you can recount it to others or at least feel proud within should you overcome. Maybe it is there to prove to you that no situation or addiction to a person or a perception of inaction is greater than your own power to surmount and that no one is absolutely indispensable in your life…or nothing is impossible to achieve once you set out to do??? This, of Course, does not apply to your loved ones whom you have given place in your heart.
3) So let us say we have a person feeling stuck in a job…stuck in a course…stuck in a relationship…stuck in a melancholic down spiral of moods and feel life is going nowhere…what to do???
4) Turn to Spiritual friends I call Angel Cards who talk to you like they are your buddies in a gentle yet firm way…you will have to do most of the work but let us analyse them in a fun way as to how can cards guide you with a clear plan of action…
5) So the cards have appropriately reflected our line of discussion…Explore your options…it does not mean to abandon your own plan and look into another…but it means looking at your situation and asking some vital questions: What brings me here? Did I consciously choose to be here or was I brought in here by angelic series of coincidences? Do I feel any inconsistent sense of choices that are robbing me off my shine? Am I deriving and claiming my complete self of happiness and sense of being alive? What keeps me here even though a certain part of me tells me to abandon this path of action and existence and move away? What is it that I am afraid of losing? What am I afraid of confronting? If something keeps me in Circles there definitely is a sense of hidden monster that I wish to conceal and not meet head on…
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What keeps me going in circles??? |
6) With these ponderous thought, you need to step into the confrontation zone and Contemplation time to really think things through…
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Talk to yourself and gather inner messages about your situation! |
If you believe in your Higher Crew it is time for them to step in your silent zone and pass on messages to you in the form of thoughts and images and alternative scenarios that will begin building in your inward eye. You have not used these inner reserves if from time to time you do not withdraw into this inner zone and ask vital questions and take a review of where you have come so far and where you need to go from here even if a straight path or circular go nowhere round…in the silence you will soon be claiming answers to the most feared and deeply hidden recesses of yours will whisper your true desire…but would you find it? So often than not you fill up your moments with activities that will not allow your inner reaches to get through you…take a stern vow and make a firm date to spend time with you…
7) Dream Big…
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What will uplift me??? |
Ahhh!! So people will say I always do…I dream to be the biggest Actor…celebrity…famous renowned…Now these are desirable goals but it does take a little work to define what dreaming Big would mean to you or being famous mean to you. In today’s world and time when we as humans are divided into smaller communities our two minutes fame comes from doing what is considered to be exceptional only by that group or community...outside that fold it may hold no value…so achieving a Dance trophy may mean a huge achievement in the dance circles you enrol but may mean nothing to the Academic group for whom it matters to win an elocution or a Debate…Winning a cooking competition for a housewife in the Complex during a Function in-house may hold merit only the Call centre where she deals with calls may have no merit. So the dream Big applies now as to which group you subscribe to…which group you want to establish yourself…which group of people whose approval will lift your sense of self-esteem to notches higher and what will give a spring to your step…and also that which will bring an inner glow…so here Dream Big may not apply to becoming a Headline piece. It may mean to Aim for something higher or bigger which will serve as a journey or goal to move to higher pursuit and give you a thrilling time…like writing this article makes me so filled with inspiration that I do not wish to stop till I have poured forth all the ideas that I Have and for which I completed all my mundane chores and sat in front of the Laptop. Will this be printed in the newspapers? In Times of India?? Heck No!!! But it gives me for those few full minutes a sense of empowerment that I am saying something very powerful…It gives me energy to deal with those other dull moments which I have to go through in the Day for I absolutely must for Unavoidable reasons and choices….
8) How do we get out of the rut? Change the perspective…
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Let go of attitudes, beliefs, which are no longer serving the purpose. Try thinking differently! |
Take a roundabout…for all that keeps you eluding and you keep chasing…do assess how important it is…how mammoth it really is?? Look around at the people who contribute to keeping you there for you subscribe to their idea of who you should be…Get good marks in Mathematics??? Ask yourself??? Is it your idea or others perception or command of you??? I want my boyfriend to propose me??? Ask yourself?? Is it a mutual need? Or is it a moment you want to share with those friends whom you have been sharing your feelings and now need to validate it by converting it into a concrete relationship??? I find my life Boring…Ask yourself? Is it you or what others will have a say keeping you from really embarking upon that Hilarious or adventurous or off the stage activity that you wish to indulge in…How do you change your perspective??? You go and interact with people who would not give a damn to your pet peeves…actually go and talk about your elusive boyfriend to someone who does not fancy him…you may come back with pearls of wisdom from that interaction…especially now that you are open to such exciting possibility of actually thinking anti your own pet stuff…if it still does not then well…try another strategy…actually if you are too stressed about your cooking skills…go spend time with a working lady who outsources her cooking responsibilities and find how that her femininity still remains and she does not turn into an overnight vamp…if you are too worried about your weight…go meet someone who has truly accepted it as a part and parcel of her existence and maybe you would not feel so drastically hopeless…just changing perspectives by moving into very groups that do not subscribe dearly to your philosophy helps…immensely…simply tells you to calm down and no big deal….
9) Now that Mentally you have explored and reduced the horror of your Circular addictive pursuit of whatever that ails you…Make a Plan...A Plan to Get out of it…Consciously…Firmly…steadfast manner…Why?? Because it is absolutely imperative “You take charge and feel in CONTROL’
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TAKE CHARGE and gallop towards HAPPINESS!!! |
For We as a human beings are born In Command and in Control of our Life. We are not supposed to be a whimpering nanny…nor a helpless creature for some Magical being to come and turn the tide for us…If we created the Knot…we need to Sort…Make a plan Today to get things Done…make that call you want to...say that thing you want to…walk away from the person you want to…get up and answer in the class as you have been waiting to…enrol in that course as you meant to…pick up that brush and paint as you have been trying to…Close the doors…start the music and dance because you want to…pick up that Maths sum sheet…get it done and get it over with…give yourself no excuses…no time to procrastinate…no time to argue…no time to wait…no time to get there when perfect conditions arise…for that time will never come…Now is all we have…each minute We spend waiting…we berate ourselves...inch by Inch…we deprecate….moment by moment and get in the self-created mire and wonder why life is passing us by…why others are getting their share of excitement and fun while you stave in a corner and stew…curse and sink in ever present doom and gloom…For your sake…be the strict mum to yourself…drag your inner whining inert baby out…tell her to Do it Now…this…and be done with…few pushes and you will be headed to your happily ever after…for happily ever after is not only a Prince and princess living in peace and happiness but also your inner self being at peace with self…give yourself the Gift of a purpose of Action and long winding road full of adventure and a winning sense of I will enjoy each turn…each twist…each peak…each valley…For I command and fashion my life…I will my life to possibilities of creating Lilting music that lasts me…Pied pipers that Beckon me…Always give yourselves the projects new…and fresh to keep you looking into the yonder magical lanes of success…even if occasional failures greet you treat them as breathers to slow you down and rest for your horse of life gallops further and beyond with a happy you seeking yourself and rediscovering yourself and enjoying this mirth that we call Life….
10) Your life belongs to you and each time you shed a potentially stagnant situation behind you …You say to yourself “I am in charge here” Give yourself a Pep talk Now and then about your goals in life. Being true to yourself, doing what you love to do are your prerogatives…you may have to do few things that you may not love but if they are necessary choices so be it…Vibrationally visualise your life headed towards that goal that you hold dear…accomplish yourself made tiny projects and feel competent within…shake your lethargy and sense of melancholy that keeps you moving in circles…You owe it to yourself to vibrationally call Happiness into your life…pour yourself a glass of Wine or your favourite juice and Celebrate this wonderful Life of a Human Being that Is a Gift to Us by Our Maker…
Start a conversation with me on Twitter:@SonnalP74 or Facebook or right here in the comments section below!!!
© Sonnal Pardiwala. All Rights Reserved.
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